Artist: Hasisi Park
First Edition, 500 copies
32 Pages
14,8 x 21 cm (5" x 8")
Full Color Offset
Saddle Stich Bound
€ 8,00
"Photo-Zine #002 of PogoBooks shows the work of Photographer & Filmmaker Hasisi Park"
website/to order
a self publishing free zone
The Independent Photo Book is a free distribution tool for independently published photo books or zines that are not available via Amazon or other standard outlets.
Est. 2010 by Hester Keijser (editor) & Jörg Colberg (co-founder).FORMAT YOUR SUBMISSIONS FOLLOWING EXISTING POSTS ! PLEASE NO ALLCAPS
Information on your book needs to contain the following:
Name of artist(s)
Additional contributors
Number of pages, size (in cm & inches)
Type of printing
Edition (if limited)
Price (in local currency, € or $)
Description, no longer than 2-3 sentences
One image to post (file size maximum: 200 kB)
Website link to more detailed info about the publication (the website MUST have some English text; and it MUST be obvious from the site how to order the book)
To order: link to website or email address where the book/zine can be ordered
NB: We list no more than one book/zine per week by the same author or publisher!
There is no selecting, editing and/or curating involved. If your books meet the formal criteria, it will be listed regardless of its content and our tastes.
We only list books or zines that cannot be bought via Amazon or commercial chain book stored. Also no Blurb books or MagCloud magazines, since those can be found easily via Blurb's/MagCloud's website.
We only accept announcements about existing print books or zines (strictly no fundraisers). By "zine" we mean not regularly published magazines, but rather one-time publications (which are often xeroxed/cheaply printed and stapled, thus resembling a magazine).
At the time of the listing, the book/zine has to be available (no "sold out") so people can actually order it online. No repeat announcements or "special offers" or "30% off" sale announcements.
email submissions to
independent.photobook.blog at gmail.com